Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Flood Waters

The weather was terrible in Marudi. When it rains it just pours. The few days before our return to KL, it rained continuously. I was a bit worried as we had to take the small flight out to Miri International Airport. Flood waters kept rising and at the time when we were leaving, Jon’s brother took out the boat in case, vehicles and the chooks were moved to higher ground, as the water level reached the tip of the driveway.

From the balcony

From the tip of the driveway

Jon's mum trying to salvage some wood

Jon, Arielle, and Hui Hui, Jon's niece
on the boat parked at the side of the driveway

Flooded chicken coop

The drowning beans

When we arrived home, updates from Marudi revealed that the water level continued to rise until Jon's house living room. They had made preparations by propping up all the furniture by 1 feet. Thank God the rain did finally stop and the water started to subside within a week. I was worried the water was going to destroy MIL's noodle machines but all turned out well. Now I know how much havoc flooding can cause.

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