Friday, March 6, 2009


Ah i dun look forward to Saturdays. Its my most busiest day of the week. My day starts at about 6 a.m. with expressing milk, putting the clothes to wash, sweeping and mopping downstairs, preparing for lunch, then taking Arielle to musickarten class, grocery shopping, cooking lunch, bathing the kids,putting them to sleep, cleaning upstairs, preparing for dinner and if got time in between,do some accounting work or ironing. If at night got stuff on I'll feel more stress trying to get all the things done. If Jon needs to work even more stress have to jaga two..cannot do any thing. But at the end of the day, I feel a great sense of satisfaction.


Ann said...

That's alot! And add a SG to that at wonder you are poof-ed!

Dini said...

yalor so much to do so little time....