Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Well, I wanted to write this post for quite sometime already but have been distracted with so many other topics.

I am not close to Mum and many times throughout my life I have had clashes with her. She longs to be close to her only daughter but certain things that she does and say just dun agree with my principles. However, ever since I moved out from the family home, our relationship has improved. She really has a good heart and does things for the good of her children. I guess her past history has shaped what her views are today. She comes from a family of 13 children and most of her life she has been bullied by one sibling or the other as she is the only one that is not really studious. During the younger days, since she was a housewife, her sisters who stayed around the Klang Valley, left their kids to her during working hours. She has been really generous to her nieces and nephews and always do things for their own good although she gets no returns. I don't know, but I have always had this thought that maybe that's why our family has been poor all this while, supporting others , besides the amount spent on educating us in Singapore and besides being cheated by a sister. When she took care of her Dad when he was ill, all siblings accused her of all sorts of stuff. Its really not easy taking care of an elderly person who is sick, yet she was not appreciated and led to all sorts of accusations. All these has led her to be insecure in her life. I was a guilty party of not supporting my mum during that time but I really admired my ko who supported her all the way against all the uncles and aunties.

Even at this age of 62 now, she is still enthusiastic about learning new things, buying heaps of books and CDs to improve her knowledge. I must admit that she gives good advice and I have come to respect my mum of who she is and I will try my best to improve further our relationship before its too late.

I am extremely thankful that she is able to take care of Arielle for us during the weekends. It is really such a great favour and even now she takes such pleasure in cooking and feeding Arielle, making sure Arielle gets the best nutrition base on books that she has read. Together with babysitter caring for my little angel, she has grown taller and bigger.


Ann said...

Wow...not many a mum at that age would still buy books and CDs to improve themself and keep up to date with the times. Most mums will go with intuition or what they already know.

but grandmas a different story. They always want the best for their grandkid and will do anything and everything for them.

Blass her generous heart. Our Father sees it if no one else does. And her reward will be in Heaven.

Julie said...

Your mom must be very touched if she read this. I'm glad you poured it out eventhough via your blog.

I'm so impressed with her interest in improving herself despite at her age. If only my MIL is educated, I have no worries to leave Jonathan with her.

Dini said...

ann, julie....ya I myself am impressed with her as she keeps wanting to learn more and more.

ann...ya I hope she realises that only God knows her heart

julie....I hope she does not get to read my blog as she will be sensitive abt me admitting that I am not close to her.