Sunday, January 11, 2009

Not looking forward to

There are two things which I am not looking forward to in 2009 - going back to Marudi for the Chinese New Year, and Arielle going to School.

Going back is so inconvenient, especially I am still feeding Aaron expressed breast milk (EBM). No convenient place to wash my pump and the bottles - there is only one small sink in the house which is in the kitchen. Warming up the milk is a hassle as no constant supply of really hot water - water normally boiled once a day and stored in flask - to warm up the milk. Transporting my frozen EBM back is a challenge bearing in mind it takes about 6 hours to get back including transit time. I think I will source for dry ice and pack it tight. I have to bring back some as I am afraid the milk I pump there and then is insufficient. Furthermore, I hope immigration will not confisicate my stock thinking those small frozen white packs are drugs and are being smuggled. Then I have to plan my pumping times during the journey...Sigh..I'll get a headache each time I think of all these issues. Feel like just staying at home but what to do...married to my kampung boy...

Thinking of sending Arielle to school in June 2009 and really not looking forward to it. Can't bear to see her crying her heart out being left with strangers and cannot bear leaving her at a public place even for half a day. But what to do, she has to go thru it as prt of life and trust God to take care of her all the way.

But 2009 will be a great year otherwise...Aaron will be 1 and he will start talking and walking. I cannot wait! plus many more good things to come. I don't know what but I am sure they will come. :)


Julie said...

You don't BF Aaron directly? You may want to have extra flask to store hot water so you can sterilise your pump and bottles on and off.

Ann said...

Ya...was thinking the same as Julie.

At least he is not on porridge yet so no chance of eating a weird frog porridge ! :)

Have a great trip. Will keep all of you in prayer.

Dini said...

Jules...nope as I decided it was more convenient for me to pump. No nipple sores also. Ya am thinking of bringing back a boiler.

Ann...frog porridge...ha ha..who MIL may just suggest as he will be close to 6 months then...

Happy CNY!

Dini said...

Jules...oh forgot to mention that I will be bringing back my Avent Sanitiser so sterilising shld be no problem.